Unlock Your Potential and Embrace Your Amazing Life
man and woman standing in front of brown concrete building during daytime
man and woman standing in front of brown concrete building during daytime
woman in white hijab smiling
woman in white hijab smiling

A feeling of Fulfillment and Realization! The everlasting Happiness inside of you. The Great Peace, that comes with Faith and Love, in yourself, for yourself, and therefore others too. BECAUSE, the external world IS a reflection of the Internal World!

For Wealth, Health and Serenity!

Accomplishment From The Inside!

Welcome to Paradise

What does that mean? To BE very Happy like you float, on a cloud? Only Love can do that. You HAVE to FEEL the Love, from the inside. And THEN you can have it outside. You have to know the thing, to know the thing. And when you don’t know, you can not know, that you don’t know. Or maybe… It’s just too confusing!

So I thought to make it simple. To realize that True Joy is an obvious indication of Love, and the shortcut I was looking for. Because, it’s like an explosion of fireworks. You could be surprised, or you can prepare it.

But if you are unhappy, you can forget what Joy is, then what? You have to Feel the Joy of someone else. And if you are jealous, it only means that you want it, but you don’t let yourself have it. It’s a shame. But then you will know, that what you fear is what you REALLY want (in an absurd way). Confusing again. So really, we cannot think too much about it! And jump right in! If you see or feel any kind of Joy: accept it, and just say thank you. Trying to make sense of in-between.

man in gray jacket and black backpack standing on green grass field near mountain during daytime
man in gray jacket and black backpack standing on green grass field near mountain during daytime


yellow sunflower field during daytime
yellow sunflower field during daytime
That is why I’m offering you, my Joy Researchers group on Patreon! To Explore you Uniqueness
Art Creations making Beauty out of ordinary.
New Freeing ways of seeing LIFE through podcasts and videos. To Ascend with Earth!
BE True! Live from your Heart. And THEN, you ARE Happy, no matter what! This is my Spiritual Path, to encourage «Amazingness»! Or Uniqueness! Let's wish us ALL a Magical Future!

God = Love = Prime Creator = ONE

What is something that is! IS God or Love (Unconditional always)! Or the Basic Energy of ALL!

Always UNIQUE! Like everything that IS, is UNIQUE, made of Love, FROM and IN God!

The ONLY normality IS: Uniqueness!


woman in blue and white shirt
woman in blue and white shirt
Happy Booster
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing blue cap and black sunglasses
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing blue cap and black sunglasses
Joyous Patreon Group
Inanimate Supporter